Mujeeb R. Khan akademisyen Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley / ABD
Basra Körfezi hakkında Fulbright araştırma bursu sahibi Mujeeb R. Khan, modern İslam dünyası tarihi ve siyaseti üzerine yayınlanmış pekçok makalesi bulunmaktadır. University of California, Berkeley’de doktora programına devam etti.
Mujeeb R. Khan was a Fulbright Research Fellow in the Persian Gulf and has published extensively on the politics and history of the modern Middle East. He has been published in leading academic journals such as East European Politics and Societies, Arab Studies Quarterly, and the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. He has also been published in the New York Times, Al-Jazeera, and Current History. His latest publication is a chapter in the new volume, Turkey’s July 15 Coup: What Happened and Why? (Ed. M, Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balci, The University of Utah Press, 2018.) He holds advanced degrees in political science from the University of Chicago and UC Berkeley and is fluent in and has conducted field work in Hindi-Urdu, Arabic, Turkish, and Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian and reads French and German.
EDUCATION: Present University of California-Berkeley Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
1993 University of Chicago MA-Political Science 1988 University of Wisconsin-Madison BA-Political Science / History
Graduation in three years with distinction
2004 FLAS Academic Year Fellowship-UC Berkeley
1996 Elected Honorary Visiting Fellow Department of International Relations, University of Sarajevo
1993-94 Fulbright Research Fellow -- Kuwait
1990 The University of Chicago Fellowship Member College Bowl Team -- "National Champions"
Book: 1996 “Bosnia and The New European Crisis” (Turkish) Balkan Foundation Press ISBN 975-8089-01-03
Academic Publications
2004 “Turkey and Europe: Will East meet West.”, (with M. Hakan Yavuz), Current History, Vol. 103, 676, Nov. 2004.
2003 “The Islamic and Western Worlds: Beyond the Fukuyama-Huntington Paradigms.” In Michael Sells and Emran Qureshi Ed. The New Crusades?Constructing the Muslim Enemy. New York: Columbia University Press.
2003 “Bringing Turkey into Europe”, (with M. Hakan Yavuz), Current History, Vol. 102, No. 662, March, 2003
1999 “The Turkish Quake and its Socio-Political Aftershocks” Middle East International Sept. 17.
1999 Book Review-Hugh Poulton and Suha Taji-Farouki Ed. “Muslim Identity and the Balkan State,” and Ali Eminov, “Turkish and Other Muslim Minorities of Bulgaria.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 19, No.2.
1998 “A Long Hot Summer for Turkey.” Middle East International. July 3, 1998, No. 578
1997 “Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Politics of Religion and Genocide.” Islamic Studies. 36:2, 3. 1997.
1996 “External Threats and Islamic Transnationalism: The Case of the Late Ottoman Empire and Contemporary Turkey.” Islamic World Review,(London) Vol.1,No.3, 1996.
1996 “The Literary Construction of ‘Serbs’ and ‘Turks’” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, January, Vol. 16, No. 4
1995 “Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Crisis of the Post-Cold War International System” East European Politics and Societies, Fall, Vol. 9, No. 3.
1994 “From Hegel to Genocide in Bosnia” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, January & July, Vol. XV, Nos. 1 & 2
1992 “Turkish Foreign Policy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Dynamics of Duality" Arab Studies Quarterly, Fall, Vol. 14, No. 4
Newspaper Articles:
1996 “European Slavic Muslims and the International Community: A consideration of the Congress of Berlin and the Dayton Accords.” (Bosnian) Focus Newspaper, Sarajevo, April 7, 1996
1994 “Bosnian genocide will haunt world politics” Kuwait Times, February 6
1993 “Options for saving Bosnian population and salvaging a territorial state” Lilijan, July 15, (Leading Bosnian Newspaper, Zagreb, Croatia)
1991 "U.S. Strategy and the Gulf War" The News (Pakistan's Leading English Daily) September 11
1990 "Origins and Evolution of the Persian Gulf Crisis" The University of Chicago Maroon – (3 Part Series), November
1990 "Afghanistan: An Anachronistic War" The Chicago Tribune, February 28
2004 January 10-12, International Conference on the Causes of Regional Conflict in the Modern Middle East-Istanbul, Turkey. Turkish Historical Society and Istanbul
Municipality. Paper presented. “The Structural-Systemic Basis of War and Authoritarianism in the Modern Middle East”.
2003 October 30, University of Utah, Dept. of Political Science. Lecture, “9-11: The End of History vs. The Clash of Civilizations-Going Behind and Beyond the Fukuyama-Huntington Paradigms”.
2003 October 9, Oakton Community College, “Al-Jazeerah and the Revolution in Middle Eastern Mass Media”.
2003 April 5, NBC-Channel Five News-News Analyst-The War with Iraq.
2002 April 23-26. Baylor University, Center for American-Jewish Studies. “The Oslo Peace Accords and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”.
2002 April 11. University of Notre Dame, Kroc Institute for the Study of Religion and Politics. “Symposium on the Post 9-11 Crisis.”
2002 April 5. University of Toronto-Conference-“Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ten Years After War and Genocide.”
2002 October-NBC News-Chicago-Special Guest Analysis-9-11. America and the Muslim World.
2000 Inaugural Conference, Center for American-Jewish Studies, Baylor University. “Modern Israel and the Jewish Question”,
1998 International Conf. On Liberalization. Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Germany) Istanbul, Turkey. May10-14, 1998.
“Post-Ozal Turkey and the Crisis of Liberalization”,
1998 School of Islamic and Social Sciences-Herndon Virginia. “Democratization and the Islamic World.” RoundTable Discussion - (With Louis Cantori, Graham Fuller, M. Hakan Yavuz, Daniel Brumberg, and M. Nazif Sharani. March 5, 1998
1996 The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research. Tel Aviv University. Oct. 18-20, 1996. “The Jewish and Eastern Question in Comparative Perspective”,
1996 Military Academy of Bosnia Herzegovina, Zenica, April 28, 1996 “The Political and Military Situation in BiH, Post-Dayton Accords”
1996 Foreign Ministry of BiH, (Research & Analysis Dept.), Sarajevo, April 10 “International Relations and the Bosnian Conflict”
1996 Preporod, Sarajevo, (Bosnian Academy of Arts and Sciences), March 29
“The Bosnian Genocide in a Comparative Perspective”
1995 International Studies Association Annual Conference, Chicago, February 21-25 “Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Failure of Western Liberalism’s Attempt at Achieving Universality”
1995 The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Turkish Parliament, Ankara. January 20 “Turkish National Interest in the Bosnian War – A Strategy for Intervention”
1994 First International Conference on the Balkans, Istanbul, Turkey, April 7-10 “Accounting for Genocide in Europe at the End of History”
1994 International Conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ankara, Turkey, October 21-24
“The Ethnic Cleansing of Balkan Muslims -- Past and Present”
1993 Department of Political Science, Kuwait University, December 15 “New World Disorder – Accounting for the Divergent International Response in Kuwait and Bosnia”
1990-91 "The Gulf Crisis" The U of C, U of I, UW-Madison, Loyola University - Chicago
2002-2004 Lecturer DePaul University-Dept. of Political Science
1995-96 Consultant Balkan Watch Committee of the Solidarity Foundation - Istanbul, Turkey
1993 Political Advisor and Media Consultant for Speeches, Editorials,and Press-Conferences, SDA, (The Ruling Party of Bosnia-Herzegovina)
1991-93 Lecturer Governors State University, University Park, IL Course: "Modern Middle East History"
1991-Consultant International Orientation Resources, IL
Present Editing multi-volume study on the Bosnian Conflict.
1993 Organized "A Day for Bosnia" Feb.8, University of Chicago
Attended by the UN Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Muhammad Sacirbey, U.S Rep. Frank McCloskey of Indiana,
Anna Husarska - The New Republic, and other Journalists,Academics and Heads of International Relief Organizations.
Co-Authored Detailed policy analysis report and proposals for the Geneva Peace Conference -- submitted to President Alija Izetbegovic and other Bosnian officials.
Organized Symposia at the University of Wisconsin - Madison,Washington University - St. Louis, Purdue University, Indiana.
Extensive Research and Travel throughout Europe, Middle-East,the Balkans, Turkey, India and Pakistan