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Emre Uslu

gazeteci, yazar

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Emre Uslu
Emre Uslu
gazeteci, yazar
eski emniyet amiri

Emrullah Uslu

1997 yılında Polis Akademisi`nden mezun oldu. Komiser yardımcısı olarak Türk Emniyet teşkilatı içinde çeşitli birimlerde görev yaptı. Komiser rütbesine yükseldikten sonra EGM Terörle Mücadele Daire Başkanlığı`nda görev yapmaya başladı. 

Yüksek lisans eğitimini yapmak için ABD`deki çeşitli üniversitelerine burs başvurusu yaptı. Başvurusu için Utah Üniversitesi tarafından olumlu yanıt alınca Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü de kendisine iki seneliğine yurtdışı için `Pasif görev` izni verdi.

Yüksek lisans eğitimini gerçekleştirmek amacıyla 2001 senesinin Ağustos ayında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri`ne gitti. Burs süresinin bitmesine rağmen Türkiye`ye dönmediğinden 2003`ten bu yana her 3 ayda bir sürekli ‘Okyanus ötesi uçuş yapması sakıncalıdır’ rapor gönderdiği iddia edildi. 

The New Anatolian gazetesinde köşe yazarlığı yaptı. Taraf gazetesinde yazdı. 


Emre Uslu Hakkında

Akşam gazetesi köşe yazarı Oray Eğin tarafından Taraf gazetesinde "asker karşıtı yazılar yazdığı" gerekçesi ile Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri tarafından Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü'ne şikayette bulunulduğu ve Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Terörle Mücadele Daire Başkanlığı bunun üzerine hakkında soruşturma başlattığı iddia edildi.

Bu açıklamalar yüzünden Önder Aytaç'ın Taraf gazetesinde ele aldığı yazıda Emre Uslu'nun "2007 akademik yılı sonuna kadar pasif görevli olarak izinli olduğu ve daha sonraki dönemde de geçirdiği bir kaza nedeniyle tedavi görmeye devam ettiği" ve "hakkında askeri soruşturma açılmadığını" belirterek bu iddiaları yalanladı.



Ph.D Middle Eastern Studies/Political Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 
August 2008 

Examination Fields: Comparative Politics, International Studies, Middle East 

Dissertation: The Transformation of Kurdish Political Identity in Turkey: Impact 
of Modernization, Globalization, and Nationalism 

MA Criminal Justice City University of New York, New York, 2003 

MA Journalism (Political Communication) Ankara University, Ankara, 2003 

BA Security Studies, Turkish National Police University, Ankara, 


Book Project: 

The PKK: The Politics of Terror in the Middle East, (ed. Emrullah Uslu), (Forthcoming ) 

Peer-Reviewed Articles: 

2010. (with Bayram Sinkaya), “Turkish Iranian Relations: Impact of Globalization in the 
area of Completion, Cooperation, and Confrontation,” (Forthcoming) 

2008. “Ulusalcilik: The Neo-Nationalist Resurgence in Turkey,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 9, 
No. 1, pp. 73-97 

2008. “The Kurdistan Workers’ Party Turns against the European Union,” Mediterranean 
Quarterly, 19; 2, pp 99-121 

2008. ”Islamization of Kurdish Political Identity: Is a Kurdish Hamas Possible?” Liberal 
Dusunce, 50: 2, (in Turkish), 

2007. “From Local Hizbullah to Global Terror: The Transformation of Militant Islam in 
Turkey”, Middle East Policy, V.14. No. 1 124-141 

2007. “Turkey's Kurdish Problem: Steps toward a Solution”, Studies in Conflict & 
Terrorism, 30:157–172, pp.157-172 

2007. (with Onder Atyac) “Terror, Kurd or Southeast Question: Suggestions for Solution 
in Democracy” Hukuk ve Adalet, Eleştirel Hukuk Dergisi, Terör Ozel Sayısı,, V. 
4, No 10 Spring, p. 173-193 (in Turkish) 

2000. (with Bilal Sevinc) “Media in the Eye of Police: an Analysis of Police Perspective” 
Polis Bilimleri Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Police Studies, V.2, No. 5-6 Ankara, 
Turkey (in Turkish) 

Book Chapters, Reviews and Commentaries: 

2010. “Analyzing 2009: A Roller-Coaster Year for Turkey”, Insight Turkey, V. 12, No. 
1, winter 2010 

2007. (with Onder Aytac) “War of Paradigms: the PKK, Europe, and Turkey,” in 
Understanding and Responding to Terrorism: a multi-dimensional Approach, 
edited by O. Nikbay and S. Hancerli, Springer and IOS Press in conjunction with 
the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Brussels 

2006. (with Onder Aytac), “Suggestions/Evaluation within Democratic Solutions for 
Domestic Terror in Turkey,” in Democracy and Global Security, edited by Yusuf 
Ziya Ozcan and Jonathan White, Turkish National Police TNP Publications, 

2006. (with Onder Aytac), “Struggles of Turkey Against terror: Some Suggestions for 
Solving the Problem,” in Social Dynamics of Global Terrorism and Prevention 
Policies, Sociology Association Press, Ankara 

Other Essays and Policy Papers 

1998. (with Sevki Mese), “Police and Human Rights”, Yeni Turkiye Dergisi Insan 
Haklari Ozel Sayisi, V. 21, May-June 1998, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 549-557 (in 

1997. (with Ercan Ozyigit), “Policing in Democracies” Yeni Turkiye Dergisi: Demokrasi 
Ozel Sayisi, V.17, September -October. 1997, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 620-627 (in 

Selected Policy Papers: 

“To Maintain its Power the AKP Must Decisively Win March 29 Election,” Eurasia 
Daily Monitor (Volume: 6 Issue: 28 February 11, 2009) 

“Turkey and Armenia Move Closer to a Deal on Formal Diplomatic Relations,” Eurasia 
Daily Monitor, (Volume: 6 Issue: 27 February 10, 2009) 

“Al-Qaeda Robbers Target Jewelry Stores,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Volume: 6 Issue: 
25, February 6 2009) 

“Erdogan: The Conqueror of the Arab Streets,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Volume: 6 Issue: 
23, February 4, 2009) 

“Yet Another Crisis in Turkey-Israel Relations,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Volume: 6 
Issue: 20, January 30, 2009) 

“Can the “Gaza damage” to Turkish-Israeli Relations be reversed?,” Eurasia Daily 
Monitor, (Volume: 6 Issue: 17, January 27, 2009) 

“Turkey Addresses PKK Challenge after Iraq Reaches Status of Forces Agreement with 
United States,” Terrorism Monitor, (Volume: 7 Issue: 2, January 23, 2009) 

“Arms Shipment to the Kurds May Be a Sign of Conflict Between the KRG and 
Baghdad,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Volume: 5 Issue: 227, November 26, 2008) 

“The New Military Leadership and Civilian-Military Relations In Turkey,” Eurasia Daily 
Monitor, (Vol. 5 / Issue 157 -- Friday, August 15, 2008) 

“Toward a New Era in Turkish-Iraqi Relations?” Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Vol. 5 / Issue 
136 -- Thursday, July 17, 2008) 

“Abdullatif Sener: A Divisive Factor Or The New Political Leader Of Turkey?” Eurasia 
Daily Monitor, (Vol. 5 / Issue 133 -- Monday, July 14, 2008) 

“Turkey’s Gamble Between Iran And The United States”, Eurasia Daily Monitor, (Vol. 
5 / Issue 120 -- Tuesday, June 24, 2008) 

“The Black Sea Oil Fields May Make Turkey Energy Independent”, Eurasia Daily 
Monitor, (Vol. 5 / Issue 115 -- Tuesday, June 17, 2008) 

“Is the PKK Seeking New Bases in the Turkish Interior?”, Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, 
Issue 32 (September 10, 2008) 

“PKK Tactics May Reveal Damage Caused by Turkish Military Campaign”, Terrorism 
Monitor, Volume 6, Issue 16 (August 11, 2008) 

“Was Alleged al-Qaeda Attack a Failed Attempt to Occupy the U.S. Consulate in 
Istanbul?, Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, Issue 27 (July 23, 2008) 

“Tackling the PKK: New Directions for Turkey’s Special Forces”, Terrorism Monitor, 
Volume 6, Issue 14 (July 10, 2008) 

“Can Turkey’s Anti-Terrorism Cooperation with Iran Lead to a Strategic Partnership?”, 
Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, Issue 24 (June 24, 2008) 

“Freeing Jerusalem: Turkey and the Lebanese Hizbullah”, Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, 
Issue 21 (June 3, 2008) 

“Leading PKK Commander Cemil Bayik Crosses into Iran”, Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, 
Issue 20 (May 20, 2008) 

(with Soner Cagaptay) “Hizballah in Turkey Revives: Al-Qaeda’s Bridge between Europe and 
Iraq?” [Policy article] Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January, 25, 2005 
Washington DC 

(with Soner Cagaptay), “Is the PKK Still a Threat to the United States and Turkey?”, [Policy 
article] Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January, 10, 2005 Washington DC 

Conference Presentations: 

2006. “Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey: Secularist Illusion vs. Religious Reality,” 
Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 2006 annual conference, Boston MA, 
November 18-21, 

2006. “The New Ultra-nationalism and the Kizilelma Coalition in Turkey,” 2006 Middle 
East & Central Asia Conference University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 
September, 7-9, University of Utah 

2006. “The PKK, the European Union and the United States,” NATO advanced research 
workshop on Understanding and Responding to Terrorism a multi-dimensional 
Approach, Washington DC. September 8-9, 

2005. “Role of Violence/Terror in National Consciousness: A Comparison of Chechen 
Nationalism and the Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey", Presented at CESS 2005, 
Central Eurasian Studies Society, 6 Annual Conference, Boston, September 29 
Oct. 2, 

2004. “Militant Islamist's Transformation Journey in Turkey: From Local Hizbullah to 
Global Islamic Terror”, Presented at Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 
2004 annual conference, San Francisco, California, November 20-23 

2004. “Islamic and Secular Terror for Kurdish Independence: The Case of the PKK and 
Hizbullah” Presented at 2004 Middle East & Central Asia Conference University 
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah September, 9-11, 

2004. “Kurdish Conflicts & Kurdish Identity”, 6th Annual Middle East Studies 
Conference, Center for Middle East Studies, University of California, Santa 
Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, March 20, 

2004. “Execution Rituals of an Islamist Terror Organization: The Turkish Hizbullah", 
Presented at Ottoman and Modern Turkish Lecture Series, University of Indiana 
Bloomington, Indiana, November 24, 

2003. “Combating Islamic Terrorism: The Case of the Turkish Hizbullah” 2003 Middle 
East & Central Asia Politics, Economics, and Society Conference, University of 
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October, 16-18, 

Awards and Fellowships: 

2006. Presidential Middle East Studies Graduate Fellowship, University of Utah 

2001-2004. Graduate Studies Fellowship, Turkish Ministry of Interior, Ankara Turkey 

2007. Graduate Research Award, College of Humanities, University of Utah, 

2007. Best Graduate Paper Award, Middle East Center, University of Utah, 

2006. Best Graduate Paper Award, Middle East Center, University of Utah, 

2005. Graduate Research Supplementary Travel Award, Graduate School, University of 

2004. Graduate Research Supplementary Travel Award, University of Utah, 

2003. Travel Award, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville Texas, 


Yeditepe University 
2009-Present, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations 

The Jamestown Foundation 

2008-2009. Visiting Fellow, 

University of Utah, 

2007. Teaching Assistant, “First Year Turkish”, Middle East Center, 

2007. Instructor, “Social Roots of Terror Networks,” Department of Political 

Science/Middle East Center, 

Westminster College, 

2007. Instructor, “Terrorism, and Political Violence” 

Washington Institute for Near East Policy 

2005. Visiting fellow, 


2007- Present. Columnist, Taraf, nationwide circulated Turkish Daily, 

2007 –Present. Columnist, Turkey’s largest English-language daily, Today’s Zaman, 

2005- 2007. Columnist, English daily The New Anatolian, 

2003-2005. Researcher, Turkish National Police (TNP) Counter Terrorism 
2003-2005. Researcher, Turkish National Police (TNP) Counter Terrorism 

Media Appearances: 

International media outlets: CBN, Los Angeles Times, Asia Times, Global Post, 

Georgia Daily, Azerbaijan Press Agency, Danish Press Agency, Slovakia Radio, 

Turkish Media Outlets: TRT, HaberTurk TV, Ulke TV, TVNET, Samanyolu TV, 

2005. “El Kaidenin Yeni Hedefi Neresi?” (Where would be the Next Target for Al- 
Qaeda?), Radical, September, 12, 2005 also available at 

2005 “Kaide, PKK ve AB Projesi” (Al-Qaeda, PKK and Turkey’s EU project), Radikal, 

2004. “Osman Baydemir'in Taziye Ziyareti ve Osman Öcalan'ın yeni Orgütü” 
(Condolence visit of Osman Baydemir and the new Kurdish Organization of 
Osman Ocalan), Aksam, 28 August 2004 

2004. “AB Sürecini ‘Birileri’ Sekteye Uğratmak Istiyor,” (Somebody Wants to Interrupt 
EU process), Zaman, 20 August 2004 

2004 “PKK Biterken” (End of the PKK) Aksam, 12 July 2004 

2004. “Büyük Ortadoğu Planı nedir, ne değildir?” (What is/not the Greater Middle East 
Initiatives) Aksam, 23 February 2004 

2006. “Uzlasmaci Polislik” (Mediating in Policing), Aksam, 21 July 2003 

2007. KSPI Newstalk920 AM, Stan Layne Show, Palm Spring CA December 21, 2007 

2007. Turkey’s Election and the Islamist AKP’s victory, Correio Braziliense, (Brazilian 
Newspaper) July 23, 2007 
2007. Radio Marti, Miami FL, U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau 

July 17, 2007 

2007. KSPI Newstalk920 AM, Stan Layne Show, Palm Spring CA July 3, 2007 

2006. TRT 2 HaberVizyon Programi, National Turkish TV, Ortadogu Krizi ve Israil 

Hizbullah Catismasi, (Middle East Crisis and Conflict between Israel and 

Hezbollah) July 2006 

2005. TRT 2 HaberVizyon Programi, National Turkish TV “AB Surecinde Terorle 

Mucadele” (Counter Terrorism During the EU accession Process,) July, 2005, 

Professional Memberships: 

2004-2007 Conference Committee Middle East and Central Asia Politics, Economics, 

and Society Conferences 

2004-2008 Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 

2005-2007 Central Eurasian Studies Society, 

2007 International Studies Association 


Turkic Languages: English, Turkish, Arabic (Intermediate) 


Glen E. Howard 
The Jamestown Foundation 
1111 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Suite 320 
Washington, D.C. 20036 
Tel: 202.483.1401 
Fax: 202.483.8337 

Ibrahim Karawan, Ph.D. 
Phone(office): (801) 581-4912 
Department of Political Science 
Orson Spencer Hall 
260 S Central Campus Dr Rm 210B 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 

Robert Olson, Ph.D. 
Department of History 
1715 Patterson Office Tower 
Lexington, KY 40506-0027 
Office Phone: (859) 257-4346 

Ahmet Kuru Ph.D. 
Deputy Director, 
Center for the Study of Democracy, 
Toleration, and Religion, 
Columbia University, 
Tel: (206) 7886292 


Saldırı olacağını yazmıştı

Taraf gazetesi yazarı Emre Uslu, 'Kontrolsüz PKK grupları Karadeniz’de eylem yapabilir' uyarısında bulunmuştu.


PKK'nın eylem yapabileceğini yazmıştı

Taraf gazetesi yazarı Emre Uslu 27 Nisan tarihli yazısında kontrolsüz PKK gruplarının Karadeniz'de eylem yapabileceğini yazmıştı: ''Seçimler yaklaşırken herkesin kafasına aynı soru var: PKK terörü yeniden hortlar mı? Bu soru hem Kürt çevrelerinde hem de hükümet çevrelerinde en sık sorulan soru. Seçimin güveliğine ilişkin endişeli bekleyiş devam ediyor. Genel endişe özellikle Güneydoğu’ya yönelik. Özellikle Çukurca ve Uludere’de konuşlu birliklere yönelik PKK eylemleri olabilir. Murat Karayılan Fırat Haber Ajansı’na verdiği son mülakatta PKK adına eylemsizlik sürecinin devam ettiğini ancak PKK unsurlarını operasyon nedeniyle tutmakta zorlandıklarını da ifade ediyor.

Burada kritik soru şu: Karayılan ve PKK içindeki barış isteyen grup şahin kanadı ne kadar kontrol edebilir? Bu soruyla ilişkili medyada gözden kaçan bir ayrıntı geçen hafta Kastamonu kırsalında PKK unsurlarına karşı yapılan operasyondu. O operasyon kritik çünkü son dönemlerde özellikle güvenlik bürokrasisi içinde konuşulan bir tehlikeli senaryoya işaret ediyor.


Uslu: PKK, Bolu ve Karabük civarında yol kesecek
ZAMAN 17.05.2011 

Kastamonu'da Başbakan'ın konvoyuna yönelik saldırıdan günler önce bölgeyle ilgili istihbaratlara dikkat çeken Emre Uslu, yeni bir iddiada bulundu. 

Today's Zaman'ın internet sitesindeki köşesinde örgütün hedefini batıya kaydırdığına işaret etti: "Oyunun üçüncü bölümünde, PKK önemli hedeflere saldıracak. Hedefler arasında Bolu ve/veya Karabük civarında otoyol/yol kesme ve ses getirecek eylem yapma var. PKK'lılar, yine Kastamonu'da eylem yapan kişiler."