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Tevfik Dalgıç


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Tevfik Dalgıç
Tevfik Dalgıç

Profesor Dr. Tevfik Dalgic 
Teksas Universitesi-Dallas 
Isletme Fakultesi, 
Organizasyon, Strateji ve Uluslararası İşletmecilik Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Teksas, ABD 

1944 yılında Nevşehir'de doğdu. Nevşehir Lisesi’ni bitirdikten sonra Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi İşletmecilik Bölümü’nden mezun oldu. Askerliğini yedek subay olarak Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı Basın ve Halka İlişkiler Bölümü’nde yaptı. TUBITAK'da Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi sorumlu müdürlüğü yaptı. ODTU İşletmecilik Bölümü’nden ilk yüksek lisans derecesi (MBA) alanlardan birisi oldu. Daha sonra Ankara İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi’nde doktorasını tamamladı. 1980 yılından itibaren İrlanda'da Dublin Universitesi Trinity College'de öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaya başladı. İki yıl sonra da Dublin Teknoloji Enstitüsü İşletmecilik Kolejine geçti. 1990 yılına kadar tam zamanlı olarak İletişim ve Medya Bölümü Başkanlığı yaptı. 1990-1995 döneminde İrlanda'dan izinli olarak Hollanda'da Maastricht Management School ve Henley Managemet College Hollanda şubesinde Pazarlama ve Uluslararası İşletmecilik profesörlüğü yaptı. Master ve doktora programlarında araştırma müdürlüğünü yürüttü. 1995-1997 döneminde İrlanda'da Dublin Teknoloji Enstitüsü İşletmecilik Fakültesi İşletme Yönetimi ve Muhasebe Yüksek Okulu’nda müdürlük yaptı. 1997'de İngiliz Sheffield Universitesi ile Hollanda'daki Hogeschool van Utrecht tarafından kurulan Utrecht Business School'da mezuniyet sonrası dekanlık görevini yüklendi. 2000 yılı ocak ayından itibaren de Teksas Üniversitesi-Dallas İşletmecilik Fakültesi’nden yapılan bir iş teklifini kabul ederek oraya yerleşti. Halen aynı fakültede strateji, pazarlama ve uluslararası işletmecilik öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaktadır.

English Biography

Professor Dalgic studied management at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey and also received his MBA from the same university. His Doctorate comes from Gazi University of Ankara at the field of Economics & Commercial Sciences. After national service, he joined the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) as industrial information scientist. He had appointed as Assistant Professor of Management at The Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences (AITIA) in 1976. In 1979 he had become a lecturer at Trinity College Dublin. In 1981 he joined Dublin Institute of Technology, College of Commerce as lecturer in marketing and two years later he was appointed as senior lecturer. 

In 1986 he was made Head of Department of Media and Communications at the same college. In 1989 he had taken his leave-of-absence to work as Visiting Professor of Marketing at Maastricht Management School in The Netherlands. In 1991 he signed in as the Director of Research Center and Professor of Marketing and International Business Henley Management College-Netherlands in Zeist. In 1994 he returned to Dublin Institute of Technology and later on he was appointed as Acting Head of School of Accounting and Business. In 1997 he accepted an offer from Utrecht Business School- a joint venture between University of Sheffield and Hogeschool van Utrecht- in the Netherlands to become the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

In 2000 he has joined the UT Dallas Management School as a professor.
Dr. Dalgic teaches global economy, international marketing, strategic management and international strategic management subjects for graduate classes-both MBA and Ph.D. and international marketing for the undergraduate class. 

Professor Dalgic worked as a consultant for the UNCTAD-GATT (WTO) of the United Nations for several countries in the field of international trade. He also worked for the Dutch government as a consultant for international projects in the field of international marketing and training. Dr. Dalgic is the founder and editor of two academic, refereed business journals: Advances in Business Studies-An Irish Review (12 years old annual publication of DIT) and Utrecht Business Review, published in The Netherlands. 

He has published in several professional and academic journals; namely, Columbia Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, Advances in International Marketing, Journal of Market Segmentation, presented several research papers at the Academy of Marketing Science, American Marketing Association, European Marketing Academy and Consortium of International Marketing and Research (CIMaR). 

Dr. Dalgic has also his consultancy practice under the name of IMTO-International Management Training Organization to train business people for international assignments, service quality and market orientation. Professor Dalgic serves as editorial review board member for many reputable academic research publications. He is a member of Board of Trustees of International University of Geneva, Switzerland. 

Dr. Dalgic has been serving as a visiting professor for the University of Sheffield Management School, UK and a recognized teacher and associate research fellow for Brunel University of West London and an associate faculty member for Henley Management College of UK. He has established close research and teaching relationships with CIBER (Center of International Business Education and Research) of Michigan State University, Eli Broad Management School. 

Professor Dalgic has received the “Best Paper Award” of American Marketing Association, Winter Educators’ Conference in February 2000 with his co-author colleague Dr. Gary Knight of University of Florida. 

He is also a recipient of Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, Presidential Fellowship in 1988 and also OECD and Cento fellowships in 1973 and 1974.